Sunday, October 15, 2006

Solid Evidence

If you were to look at my life you would see some solid evidence that I have not incorporated the truth of El-Shaddai into my life. For if I was truly trusting Him, resting in Him and living in Him, then I would not allow the emotion of anger to control me. Even today there were a couple of times where I reacted in anger. There are triggers that set me off really easily. I am not stating that as an excuse, because I know that the responsibility lies with me. Over the years, I have more and more allowed anger to be part of me, as opposed to confessing it as sin and cleansing the wrong attitudes out of my heart.

This is bad for me, and it is really bad as I see how my anger has passed on to my children. Big zero for this father on the anger battle!

God Bless You,

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