Sunday, October 01, 2006

Temptation and Testing

Matthew 6:13 ESV

"And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."

These words are from the model prayer that Jesus gave to His disciples when they asked Him to teach them to pray. Today's sermon was on this verse and there were many good points.

For now, I'll just point to one of the key points. God certainly does lead his children into testing. This is essential to our faith. But He will not put us in over our heads or leave us there. On the other hand, Satan leads us into temptation, not to build our faith, but to destroy it. You can have in the same circumstances, both God and Satan at work. Of course, Satan always remains subservient to the Sovereign God.

We look for benefit in our trials because God is the mastermind.

God Bless You,

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